Monday, May 26, 2008

MRCS History

Malaysian Red Crescent Society (MRCS) has its beginnings in 1948 as branches of the British Red Cross Society in Sabah and Sarawak (then British North Borneo). In the 1950s the British Red Cross Society further established Branches in the other parts of Malaysia starting in Penang in 1950, and later in the other States.

Upon Malaya ’s independence in 1957, the Branches in Peninsular Malaysia were organized as the Federation of Malaya Red Cross Society, which later was statutorily incorporated by the Federation of Malaya Red Cross Society (Incorporation) Act, 1962. MRCS received official recognition as an independent National Society from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on 4th July 1963 and accordingly was admitted as a member of the International League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies on 24th August 1963.

When Malaysia was formed in September 1963, an Act to incorporate the Federation of Malaya Red Cross Society and the Branches of the Red Cross Society in Sabah and Sarawak under the name of the “Malaysian Red Cross Society” was passed by Parliament vides the Malaysian Red Cross Society (Incorporation) Act 1965. In 1975, the Malaysian Parliament passed the Malaysian Red Cross Society (Change of Name) Act which received Royal Assent on 21st August 1975 and subsequently gazetted on 4th Sept 1975 and is currently being enforced.

MRCS is presently one of 181 National Societies worldwide members of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). MRCS runs programs and activities in accordance to the spirit and requirement of its Incorporation Act and the Fundamental Principles of Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

Friday, May 9, 2008

PBSM is here!

to all SEMEKAR PBSM member..remember this?
this is the cup of Marching champion... long time no see! heehee...

this picture is taken on 26/4, the meeting of PBSM..we learnt about "renjatan" remember?
renjatan : keadaan (tubuh) apabila kena arus elektrik/terperanjat dan kebingungan
renjatan : 人体触电时的震栗/惊愕 (shock)

heehee...still remember her? her name is SooChing..our school senior!
we will remember her! "T"
呵呵…还记得这为学姐吧?她叫淑青,我们学校的学姐!我们要永远记得她噢! 笑笑!

picture of PBSM ..this photo taken on 30/4..during the photography

Beginnings of PBSM, 1948

Beginnings, 1948

The Malaysian Red Crescent Society (MRCS) has its beginnings in 1948 as branches of the British Red Cross Society in Sabah and Sarawak (then British North Borneo ). In the 1950s the British Red Cross Society further established Branches in the other parts of Malaysia starting in Penang in 1950, and later in the other States.

Upon Malaya's independence in 1957, the Branches in Peninsular Malaysia were organized as the Federation of Malaya Red Cross Society, which later was statutorily incorporated by the Federation of Malaya Red Cross Society (Incorporation) Act, 1962. MRCS received official recognition as an independent National Society from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on 4th July 1963 and accordingly was admitted as a member of the International League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies on 24th August 1963 .

When Malaysia was formed in September 1963, an Act to incorporate the Federation of Malaya Red Cross Society and the Branches of the Red Cross Society in Sabah and Sarawak under the name of the Malaysian Red Cross Society was passed by Parliament vide the Malaysian Red Cross Society (Incorporation) Act 1965. In 1975, the Malaysian Parliament passed the Malaysian Red Cross Society (Change of Name) Act which received Royal Assent on 21st August 1975 and subsequently gazetted on 4th Sept 1975 and is currently being enforced.

The MRCS is presently one of 186 National Societies worldwide members of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. It runs programs and activities in accordance to the spirit and requirement of its Incorporation Act of 1965 and the Movement's fundamental principles.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Pada hari Sabtu yang lalu, iaitu 1 Mac 2008 telah mengadakan sukan tahunan di Stadium MPS,Selayang. Seramai 36 orang ahli PBSM terlibat dalam sukan tahunan ini, 10 orang ahli bertugas hari itu,24 orang ahli mewaklili PBSM untuk menyertai pertandingan kawat kaki dan 2 orang bekas pelajar datang untuk membantu kita.

Hari itu telah turun hujan yang lebat,ini telah menyebabkan pertandingan kawat kaki ditanggungkan selepas acara. Hari itu semua peserta terpaksa lari dalam hujan,oleh itu peserta mudah kejang.Ahli yang bertugas hari itu juga tidak boleh mencuri tulang,mereka sibuk untuk menjalankan tugas mereka.Kebanyakan ahli yang bertugas ialah pelajar yang tiada pengalaman tetapi mereka juga boleh menjalankan tugas dengan baik.

Pada pukul 12.00p.m, semua acara pun sudah dijalankan dan pertandingan kawat kaki juga dimulakan.Semasa pertandingan bermula,pengerusi dan bekas pelajar, soo ching telah datang untuk memberi sokongan kepada semua peserta.Meraka monlong peserta untuk kemaskan baju seragam.Pertandingan tersebut diadakan dengan matlamat untuk mengeratkan hubungan silaturahim sesama anggota ,di samping membentuk disiplin diri yang kental.Matlamat ini telah pun mencapai dan mengeratkan hubungan semua ahli PBSM.

Selepas pertandingan kawat kaki, keputusan juga diumumkan.Dengan bangganya PBSM telah mendapat tempat pertama .PBSM sudah lama tidak mendapat tempat partama,kali ini hasrat semua peserta telah mencapai.Semua ahli PBSM sangat gembira sehingga ada ahli telah menangis.Selain itu, salah satu ahli PBSM talah mendapat olahragawati.Kedua-dua perkara ini telah mengharumkan nama baik PBSM.Cikgu PBSM,Pn Zarina dan Pn. Napsiah juga berasa sangat gembira dan bangga.Cikgu telah memberi RM50 kepada kami sebagai ganjaran.

Semoga PBSM boleh mendapat tempat pertama pada masa yang akan datang agar dapat mengharumkan nama baik PBSM.Pertandingan ini selain memupuk semangat bekerjasama , para peserta turut berpeluang meluaskan pergaulan dan meningkatkan pengalaman mereka.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Peti Pertolongan Cemas (First aid kit)


Here's a checklist you can use for building your own first aid kit.

Plastic bandages Transpore tape Alcohol preps
Adhesive bandages Micropore tape Gauze
Extra large plastic bandages Iodine prep pads Fingertip bandages
Sterile pads Antiseptic towelettes Knuckle bandages
Antiseptic ointment Ammonia inhalant Sponge packs
Instant ice packs Sterile eye wash Elastic bandages
Eye pads Safety pins First aid cream
Bandage scissors Tweezers Butterfly bandages
Water tight utility box for contents Burn gel to treat burns Burn bandages
Adhesive spots Extra large strips Surgical tape
Sponges Pain reliever

Wednesday, March 19, 2008



Bulan Sabit Merah di Malaysia

Giat berjasa untuk Negara

Tidak kira kaum dan agama

Waktu aman atau bahaya

Di mana jua adanya sengsara

Di sana ada kita

Di darat dan laut kita bersedia

Walaupun diancam bahaya

Bulan Sabit Merah gerakan sedunia

Menbantu semua yang menderita

Badan sukarela berkhidmat

Dengan tabah dan bersemangat

Sejarah PBSM


For more than one hundred years, in all continents and practically every country in the world, during war time or in peace, the Red Cross has groups of millions of goodwill people.

Red Cross was born in June on the Battlefield of Solferino in Northern Italy in the mind and heart of a young man named Jean-Henry Dunant.

Mr. Henry DunantJean-Henry Dunant was born in Geneva in 1828. He was by profession a Swiss Banker. In 1859 in the course of business he happened to witness the Battle of Solferino during Franco-Prussian War. The appalling slaughter, the suffering and anguish of the wounded and, maimed and the sorry plight of prisoners moved Dunant deeply. He wrote a book in 1862 titled, "A memory of Solferino". Describing his ideas of a Society of each nation to aid the wounded and in case of conflict of arms, to help the military medical services with their task.

Henry Dunant's visionary idea based on his concept of Brotherhood of Man led to the formation of a committee of five in Geneva in February 1863. This committee which included Dunant, examined his idea and formulated the basis for calling the first international conference of the Red Cross in 1863 in Geneva.

The meeting was attended by representatives from 16 states who agreed that as a first step, private aid Societies linked with one another should be set up in each state.

In August 1864 diplomatic representatives from 17 nations met again in Geneva, this time at the invitation of the Swiss Federal Government, agreed on the first Geneva convention, which 12 of the nations signed outright.

By this famous convention, they were incorporated into international law the principles and precepts underlying Dunant's ideas. The principles were recognised that it is the duty of warring nations to care for the ill and wounded military personnel irrespective of nationality and that these personnel, the ambulances and hospitals in which they lay, and the medical and auxiliary staff tending them should be regarded as neutral under all circumstances and at all times. This has become one of the great and respected principles of modern Humanitarianism.

In recognition of the home land of these humanitarian ideas the new movement took as the emblem of its neutrality the national emblem of Switzerland in reverse a Red Cross on a white background. Today this emblem carries instant recognition all over the world.

Dunant died in 1911 - buried in an ordinary ceremony - seemingly forgotten but the fruit of his labour has neither been in vain nor forgotten.

The Red Cross/Red Crescent is for the people a light in the darkness, we owe a debt of gratitude to the pioneers who lit up this beacon. It is the duty of every Red Cross/Red Crescent member to see that this light does not go out.

Now every year on May 8, the Malaysian Red Crescent Society will join with other national Red Cross Societies throughout the world in commemorating World Red Cross Day. The day that marks the birthday of a man who was most instrumental in founding this international chain of Red Cross Society.